Paracas, Ica - Perú
Paracas is located in the department of Ica in the Province of Pisco
260 km south of Lima, Peru.
Paracas is a small town and district, but is best known for the
Paracas national park and wildlife reserve.
It is one of Peru's largest attractions for both foreign and Peruvian tourists.
The tourist attractions include the Ballesta Islands (birds, sealions,
Humboldt penguins and occasionally dolphins), the national reserve
(museum, Paracas culture, wildlife and beautiful coastline) and
adventure sports such as diving, dune buggies and hang-gliding).

Boat tours lasting 2 hours take tourists to the Ballesta Islands,
mostly leaving at 8.00 am. The standard cost at the time of writing is
S/.40 (approx US$12).
There are also guided tours to the land part of the national reserve to see the Julio C Tello museum, the reserve's visitor centre and the beautiful coastline which includes the famous "cathedral" rock formation.
Paracas is well catered for with a variety of hotels from basic hostel
accommodation for around $10 a night to the superior standards of
Hilton Doubletree, Hotel Libertador (ex Hotel Paracas) and Posada del Emancipador (ex Posada del Libertador).
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